This year Intermountain has again been entered into the Great Fish Challenge through the Whitefish Community Foundation!
The funds raised through this year’s challenge will go towards building a playground and garden, a “play-garden” if you will, for the children at Providence Home in the Flathead Valley. The challenge started on August 5th and runs until September 17th. At last check, Intermountain has already raised $14,000 towards this effort!
The Foundation also does something very cool for the participating non-profits. Every dollar up to $20,000 raised will be matched at a percentage. (It is based on total raised, but in year’s past, we have seen somewhere between $0.50 and $0.60 of every dollar matched.) Our goal for total funds raised including the match is $42,500 to complete the project!
The play-garden project has a wonderful foundation of support from gifts given over the last several years, and it is exciting to see the fundraising goal so close to completion. If you would like to support this effort, ensuring our children at Providence Home have a place to play and recreate while working through their treatment, please visit the Great Fish Challenge and make a gift today! (For a direct link to their giving page for Intermountain visit https://qrgo.page.link/te4UF ).
If you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me at chrish-at-intermountain.org.
Thank you for your continued support,
Rev. Chris Haughee, Church Relations
P.S. For a bulletin insert to share this mission opportunity with your congregation, click the link below.