This fall brings with it a unique opportunity for all of us to stand together and make an impact in ministry that will have lasting effects far beyond 2022! A generous donor has agreed to make a $500 gift to Intermountain for every new Caring Friend that signs up to give at least $10/month to the work of healing through healthy relationships.
Each of our four supporting denominations has jumped on board with this effort, and we have the blessing of General Presbyters, Bishops, Conference Executives and District Superintendents. It is a tremendous encouragement, at the start of this campaign, to see the UCC, PCUSA, ELCA and UMC churches across Montana united in this effort. Beyond these four denominations, I know we can count on many others from a wide variety of traditions to support this effort, and it makes my heart glad.
I hope you will join us in promoting this effort in your congregation and consider signing up yourself to be a Caring Friend!
Click HERE for a bulletin insert that introduces the Caring Friend campaign to your congregation.
Chris Haughee
(proud Caring Friend since 2012)
Here’s the blessed missional math that gets me excited about this effort…
Together, our supporting churches can raise $50,000 for Intermountain!
(100 new Caring Friends @ $10/month or more) X $500 = $50,000