

May 14

New Horizons Community Band visits Intermountain

Nancy Trudell, Intermountain Board member, recently coordinated with Chaplain Chris to bring the New Horizons Community Band to Tuesday chapel.  The band is made up of 52 community members, from a variety of backgrounds, ages and experience who enjoy playing together.  Due to scheduling conflicts, the residential children were unable to attend the bands’ spring concert, so some of the musicians brought the music to Intermountain!

Chaplain Chris and Jewish Educator, Janet Tatz, started the chapel service with a brief lesson on what it means to praise God with music, based on Psalm 150. With Janet’s leadership, we were even able to learn a little Hebrew and sing part of Psalm 150 together! After this, Chaplain Chris introduced Nancy and the New Horizons Community Band.

The band played Amazing Grace, a clarinet polka and a fun march, and then shared their instruments with the children and showed them how they work!  Many of the children’s eyes lit up when they learned that they would get a chance to play trumpets, tubas, trombones, and other instruments. It was clear that more than a few of our children have a musical gift! After creating some notes with a flute, a boy shared, “I didn’t know I could do that until now!”

– Carrie Reynolds, Intermountain IPC Manager

