

Apr 21

#TBT: “Throwback Thursday,” Thoughts on Transformation from our kids

[This post from one year ago is SO good, I thought it was worth bringing it back for a “Throwback Thursday!” –Chris.]

“One transformation I have seen in my life is that I don’t feel so negative about myself, but I would still like God to transform the way I treat others. I feel like God is helping me with this by letting me know he’s with me.” –Sarah, age 12

Thoughts on TransformationAs winter has melted into spring, and we finally have some nice weather for playing and recreation outdoors, our kids’ have been reflecting on our most recent series of talks in chapel. Through the use of parables, children’s stories, and examination of the natural world, we have explored the themes of transformation and change. Many of our conversations about spiritual matters have paralleled the work they are doing in therapy and the cottages. Truly, Intermountain is in the business of enabling transformation for the better—bringing healing and hope to children and their families through healthier relationships.

It’s the caring, supportive and safe environment that our children are provided here at Intermountain that makes transformation possible. During our recent Easter celebration, children were given the opportunity to give thanks for the things in their lives that enabled their transformation. One young lady wrote, “I am thankful for all the kind souls that care for me!” Another reflected, “I am thankful for my family because they are working so hard to help me.”

Transformation is difficult business. It doesn’t happen overnight, but through a lot of hard work and with the support of family and staff. I thought you would be blessed to hear from a few of our children as they reflected on the change that God is bringing about in their hearts, minds, and souls:

“I see God changing my heart by building up strength in me. I am glad we can learn more about God’s love, because I love being loved! This has transformed me because I see myself loving others more.” –Cade, age 13

“I see God changing my heart whenever I feel positive about myself. I am glad we can learn more about how God loves us because sometimes I feel alone. But, when I learn more about how God loves us, I feel that someone does understand.” –Jesse, age 10

“God is changing my heart by giving me the courage to talk about my feelings. I am glad I can learn more and more about God’s love for me because it makes me feel better about myself.” –Jake, age 9

“Knowing God loves me and believes in me helps me take bigger risks.” –Lucy, age 8

Thoughts on Transformation2“I see God changing my life everywhere. I used to fight and threaten people all the time. God is changing my heart.” –David, age 11.

“I see God changing my heart while I am here at Intermountain. God cares and loves us just the way we are, but I am transforming because I am sharing my feelings… because of God. I would still like to change by not threatening people. Knowing God loves me, believes in me, and forgives me is my motivation to keep working on this.” –Steven, age 13

“The biggest transformation I see in my life is that I trust more people now. I see God changing my heart because he loves and cares for me.” –Andy, age 10

Let us praise God together for the work he is doing in the lives of these courageous young people, and continue our commitment to partner with them in prayer for that transformation they seek on their way to happier and healthier relationships!

